

While doing a healthy diet and exercising regularly, an important part of maintaining good health and well being, there is another very important factor that most people lose: bowel bacteria or probiotics.

In fact, the importance of probiotics is so great that many experts believe that a good balance of these “good bacteria” could be the key to enjoying a healthier life.

Probiotics have many important roles when it comes to health – not just the intestine but the whole body. Some of his duties are:

  •     They help digest food
  •     Fighting viruses and colds
  •     Support bone health
  •     Helps repair the lesions and tissue injuries
  •     Contribute to appetite regulation and weight management
  •     They help in managing “good” mood

Recent studies have found that they can even influence what we eat. Although it sounds a bit like science fiction, according to researchers from the Arizona State University, New Mexico University and San Francisco University, “bad” or unhealthy bowel bacteria can affect our desires and moods to ensure that we eat what they want – in fact, this type of bacteria may be what feeds the problem of obesity. Some of these bacteria prefer fat, while others like sugar – and sometimes the bacteria are in line with the dietary goals of the guest, and others do not, experts say.

What are probiotics?
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria or yeast organisms that offer many benefits to the human body. When something disrupts the balance of bacteria, it can lead to illness or inflammation, and probiotics restore this equilibrium.

How to get more probiotics?
The good news is that you can restore your bowel bacteria to balance, consuming foods with probiotics like kefir, kombucha and Greek yoghurt as well as following healthy lifestyle practices such as limiting alcohol intake, reducing exposure to toxins, regular exercise and antibiotics when needed.

Local probiotics for the skin
Since probiotics introduce healthy bacteria into the intestine and create a barrier to reducing inflammation, which is known to cause certain types of skin diseases, researchers have found that there is undisputed evidence that they can cure problems such as rosacea and acne.
Research has shown that probiotics can help treat the four most known skin problems.

1. Acne

When certain types of probiotics come into contact with the skin cells, they have the ability to calm the parts of the cells that may want to react to the presence of bad or unhealthy bacteria that they see as a threat. The signals produced by the probiotics stop skin cells from sending “attack messages” to the immune system leading to inflammation of the acne. The shield provided by local probiotics helps protect the skin while interfering with the ability of bacteria and micro-organisms to cause an immune response.

2. Rosacea

This inflammatory skin disorder that causes reddening of the face on the chin, nose, cheeks or forehead, along with small red bumps or pimples, can also be controlled with probiotics. Like acne, in those who have rosacea, living microorganisms on the skin are recognized as strangers by the immune system of the body. The immune system goes into action to deal with this potential threat, resulting in inflammation, redness or bumps that are common to these skin conditions. When applied locally, the same shield that helps prevent acne can help fight the symptoms of rosacea.

RELATED: DIY Masks with probiotics – Part 2

3. Eczema

Eczema is also an inflammatory condition of the skin and tends to respond well to probiotics. Finnish researchers focused on pregnant women who received probiotic supplements containing the Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG strain for two to four weeks prior to delivery and also after birth while nursing or adding the bacteria in infant formula for at least six months. Researchers noted that probiotics were able to reduce the chances of eczema in babies who had strong family stories about the condition of the itchy skin at least until the age of 2 and probably more.

4. Anti-aging

Local probiotics can also help combat the effects of aging such as thin lines and wrinkles, as well as hydrating and reducing sun damage. There is some evidence that the reason behind this is that they can help build collagen. This is the primary protein in the skin that affects its tone and texture.

Which products are best for your skin? Take the test and find out.

Try products with Probiotics by Medik8 at our e-shop

Try products with Probiotics by Dermagenetic at our e-shop

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