

Forget the face, arms or legs: The Neckline or Decolletage is the Achilles heel in Medical Aesthetics! As much as we try to camouflage the passing of time, the décolleté is an area that – usually – betrays the age of our skin and for which no absolute cure for tightening or restoration has been found!

So what do we do? First we do not despair – second we prevent! Yes, the right prevention is crucial for the neck and décolleté area. There are solutions, but it requires patience, discipline and proper maintenance both with professional treatments and with changes in our habits!

Let’s go see what we can do …


Coconut + Rose Oil Treatment for Wrinkles:
(+ pomegranate essential oil if we have photoaging)

Mix a tablespoon. of coconut oil and 10 drops of rose essential oil, apply to the décolleté every night and stick a breathable membrane on top (ask for it in pharmacies). We sleep and remove the next day. It is important that the membrane is breathable so that we do not make more wrinkles in the area!


One of the biggest mistakes that burdens the chest area, apart from the sun and the years we spend, is the way we sleep.

Yes, this comfortable, fetal position on the side, with arms folded, has its price every morning when we wake up and our neckline looks a lot like the … crumpled sheet in our bed!

Women with larger breasts tend to have more wrinkles due to weight,as the biggest size of the breasts burdens the skin and wrinkles it more easily!

THE SOLUTION; Try to sleep on your back, use 100% silk pillowcases or a better pillow, which will make your face particularly happy (a good alternative are cotton sheets with a higher count of threads). These comfortable materials allow your face and neck to glide easily on their surface, reducing any abrasion that your skin may face as you toss and turn at night.

Inadequate application of sunscreen and cumulative exposure to the UV rays, remains one of the main culprits of premature aging in the neck.

In addition, our cell phone addiction does not help! Between sun exposure and the tendency we all have to crouch over our cell phones or laptops, we see changes in the neck and décolleté even earlier than expected. It is also called tech-neck and is followed by the so-called tech-spots, i.e. dark spots, hyperpigmentation and other signs of premature aging, because mobile phones emit radiation that causes oxidative stress on the skin structures.

THE SOLUTION: Sunscreen again and again sunscreen: You are tired of hearing it, but we are not tired of telling you. There are “smart” products that protect from sunlight, but also from the blue light emitted by electronic devices. Also try to place your laptop at a point equal to or higher than the level of your eyes, so that the neck does not “fold” during use. Do the same with your mobile phone, where possible, eg when you are at home do not bend over, but keep it in front of your eyes.

2…Professional Treatments!

Rejuvance treatment

A natural method of skin lifting, applied to women and men of any age, a specialized massage performed on the connective tissue of the skin and the muscles externally. The rejuvance will help the skin to produce collagen and elastin, thus a tighter skin, while at the same time, will contribute to the relief of migraines and headaches.

High-Tech Blue Light Treatment

Fights oxidizing agents that inhibit our cellular function!

The … magic wand!

No, we are not based on black magic, but on basic rules of Physics and Chemistry!

So there is a stick, a metal rod made of Germanium, which is a metal, but it actually belongs to the so-called semiconductors, as we will explain.
It is considered by some therapists to be a very good oxygen carrier in cells, as with its natural properties it penetrates the cell membrane and deposits oxygen inside the tissues.
We do a special massage with the Germanium bar, relaxing the muscles and working on the installed wrinkles.

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