
How hormones affect the skin

Floating hormones known as androgens can aggravate your skin by increasing the production of sebum that causes acne. These breakouts can be very serious, while for others, they can be quite mild. Let’s see how hormones can affect your skin, but also how you can manage everything that happens to your skin.
How the skin is affected by hormones
  1. Progesterone (regulates sleep, immunity and brain function)
  2. Estrogen (supports the production of collagen which is responsible for maintaining the skin without wrinkles)
  3. Testosterone (regulates sebaceous glands and hair growth)
  4. DHEA (protects against oxidative stress which is an important function in prophylactic aging of the skin)
  5. Human growth hormone (supports skin and muscle elasticity)

Just before your teen years, the hormones do not really affect your skin except for the beginning of a few spines in the nose. From 13 years of age or older, the skin can change quickly and usually starts from the T-zone of the face. Many teens feel that breakouts are nowhere to be seen!

Generally, boys will experience more acne during teenage years than girls due to large amounts of testosterone. Girls will have fewer breakouts during teenage years, but are more likely to have breakouts beyond their teenage years since they have a monthly cycle of hormonal change.
Tips for managing skin eruptions
1. Wash with a gentle, antibacterial cleanser in the morning and in the evening
Since the skin tends to be quite sensitive, you will want to keep your products on the non-drying side. We recommend using a softest cleaner with a component called salicylic acid. This is a keratolytic beta hydroxy acid (BHA) known to exfoliate the skin, reduce bacteria and sebum that cause acne.

2. Use an alcohol-free toner to keep your skin cells hydrated
After cleaning, I always suggest wiping your skin with paper to remove the remaining cleansing residue and dirt from the tap water as well as instantly hydrate. The skin cells are like fish and need water to live using an alcohol-free toner (dehydrated on the skin after cleaning and sealed with a light lotion), can dramatically increase the integrity of the skin to maintain its balance.
3. Wear sunscreen to protect the skin
Your biggest concern is controlling breakouts, but it is important to know that sunscreen can really help with acne.
When choosing a sunscreen, look for one with zinc oxide. This ingredient can be very anti-inflammatory when it’s on the skin. This makes it ideal for sedative red, inflammatory defects.
4. Use a light lotion
I can not say enough about how hydration, from the point of view of water supply, is the key to keeping youthful skin in a healthy balance, but adding a lot of oil is not always the best choice. Since your skin has already been manufactured properly, and at this stage of your life, it flows at a fast pace, you do not need to add much more. Your skin needs water, so using a light lotion with a high water / low oil ratio will give your skin just what it needs. Make sure your lotion has soothing ingredients and that your skin will be perfectly balanced to be able to act in a healthy way.

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