
Mary Filippaiou shares the little things that make her happy!

I’m happy: Easy to say, harder to achieve, but it’s something I keep trying to do! What makes you say it every day?


Personal Happiness for me means:

Being grateful for all the little, everyday things. Happiness is easy when something big and exciting happens, but these moments are few in our lives. Let us never take the small daily pleasures of life for granted.

A beautiful day begins with:

A glass of water with my favorite probiotic supplement and a half hour walk around the house. I wear my lipolytic cream and as I walk I think how lucky I am to be able to breathe Greece with this wonderful weather. I do many more positive thoughts during this walk! Then I enjoy a quiet breakfast and organize the rest of my day. I make a list and at the end of the day I check what I have completed, to see what important I left for the next day.

I celebrated my last birthday: Having only very dear people by my side. When you turn 50 you feel grateful for the years that have passed and all that you have accomplished. You want to have the people next to you closer to you

The most beautiful thing in my work is: To hear you tell me how much you have improved, not only externally but also in your life and your general health, after all I always tell you that Beauty & Health go together! It is very nice to work with colleagues who have the same vision: to improve the quality of life of people who come to our place. All 10 people in our team believe that when you take care of yourself you will improve your whole life.

I keep my life exciting by making: A list of happy things. In the madness of everyday life I try to find at least one hour every day to do something that will give me joy

  • Bike ride

  • 20 minute swim

  • Half an hour brisk walking

  • To work in a nice cafe or park so for a change

  • Meeting with a friend

  • Dancing to my fav music

  • A nice relaxing SPA

How did I get through the Quarantine?

Amazing. You gave me the idea to start a series of videos on how to take care of yourself at home. It was an amazing idea and I felt that we were constantly in touch, you inspired me,  and so I did not feel for a moment that we were not together. You were an amazing company and thank you for that. I also discovered what it means to give yourself some time and not be constantly stressed and I intend to continue by putting a new routine in my life and work. Life has value and you must enjoy it.

When I’m down: I push myself to smile. To read something, to find something that will make me smile. This works magic. I go for a walk, the traffic always calms me down.

I play my favorite music and cook something with the sounds of that music. I’m doing something from my Joy List!

A perfect day ends with: A hot bath doing the whole beauty routine and enjoying the time I put my creams on. I have now learned that life is full of changes. I decided to take small steps, one at a time and live beautifully today because it is the only sure thing.

Thank you for being together on this journey – you are the best companions.

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