
Best Antioxidant foods that make our skin glow

Beauty begins and ends with daily habits, with this first of my friends’ meals.

To get a youthful and vibrant skin, are you able to use unique and expensive cosmetics? Of course not!

At the last medical conference I visited in Africa, I learned a great truth and today I will share it with you.

Our cells don’t age – they oxidize

Like everything in life, aging is in the realm of chemistry.

So listen, what are some essential foods that will help you have a tight, youthful and durable skin.

Red pepper

It can meet 100% of our daily requirement in vit C. Without vit c we do not produce collagen. On the other hand, it also has b66 that helps prevent wrinkles.

Black chocolate

It is the ideal antioxidant and protects against sun-induced aging making the skin more resistant to it.


As you’ve probably heard, it contains lycopene, an ingredient with a strong anti-aging effect and not only … It helps the immune system work properly and we all know that health itself is gone! Also, do not forget that alcohol is ten times stronger in red cooked sauces, because the heat increases.


He is the super hero of anti-aging, has 6 different vitamins, 12 minerals and 18 different amino acids. On the one hand it reduces wrinkles and on the other it prevents dryness. These two know well that they are immediately linked, since we can eat it and use it as an essential ingredient for face masks.

Avocado and dark vegetables like spinach

Download the aging process and fight free radicals. Antioxidants are the saviors of our cells, they go and block their enemies and they do not allow them to bombard and strike the cell membrane. If your skin is dry, or it is often affected by inflammation and inflammation, avocado oil is the one that will save you. Avocado is rich in potassium, the electrolyte that regulates body fluids. It is also a good source of vitamins C and E. Vitamin C helps produce collagen and elastin, giving elastic and firm skin, while vitamin E reduces the damage caused by excessive sun exposure and fights aging. We can put it on our face and put it on.

And my friends! Don’t forget to drink water throughout the day. Hydration, as well as beauty, comes from within.

And because everyone wants a meter, DO NOT drink 100 liters a day. Every organization has different needs. It does not pressure our bodies, we drink as much as we need at regular intervals.

The Hippocrates said: we are what we eat. And I believe we are emitting what we are!
That’s why I always tell you, beauty and health go together.

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